

come around (【片語動詞】) 意思、用法及發音

come around 例句. When spring comes around, our son will be a university student. Christmas will come around again sooner than you think.

come around

Dr.eye 譯典通片語 · come around · 查看更多. 美式. ph. 甦醒;恢復健康;讓步;改變立場. Dr.eye 譯典通. come around. vi. come round. 牛津中文字典 · Yahoo奇摩字典.

come around - 英中

▾. 英语-中文正在建设中 · come around (to a point of view)— · come 动 — · around — · around 900—.

Come Around的意思

I didn't wanna play the piano. Like every year, the recital would come around. I'd be pretty much playing the same song. 我不想彈鋼琴。好像每年,會舉辦演奏會。

COME ROUND中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典

COME ROUND翻译:拜訪, (到…家)拜訪,探訪, 想通, (常指在別人意見的影響下)想通,改變心態,改變觀點, 發生, (定期發生的事件如往常一樣)發生,來臨, 甦醒, ...

COME ROUND中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

COME ROUND翻譯:拜訪, (到…家)拜訪,探訪, 想通, (常指在別人意見的影響下)想通,改變心態,改變觀點, 發生, (定期發生的事件如往常一樣)發生,來臨, 甦醒, ...

Pandora's Box

2020年10月23日 — come round / around的四種用法---- come round — phrasal verb with come verb UK /kʌm/ US /kʌm/ came | come UK (US come around) (VISIT) A2 to ...

「come around」可別翻作「來逛逛」

「come around」可別翻作「來逛逛」. come around的意思用法. (Picture from 大家拿到2022年的日曆時,第一件事是不是把所有國定假日和連假通通標出來呢 ...

在中文中翻译"come around"

He's coming back tomorrow. You should come around for dinner. 他明天就回来你应该过来一起吃晚饭.